PASTOR: Praise ye the Lord, praise God in His sanctuary, praise Him in
the firmament of His power.
PEOPLE: Praise Him for His mighty acts, praise Him according to
His excellent greatness.
PASTOR: Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build
PEOPLE: Since God, in His infinite wisdom and grace has enabled
us to erect this house of ministry to be used to His glory, we come
before Him now to gratefully dedicate this building with all its
appointments to Him.
PASTOR: Recognizing our own unworthiness, and that we are entirely the
object of God's wondrous grace....
PEOPLE: We dedicate this building.
PASTOR: To the glory of God our Heavenly Father, in humble submission to
God the Son, and in obedience to God the Holy Spirit....
PEOPLE: We dedicate this building to the Lord our God.
PASTOR: With sincere thankfulness to God for those men and women who by
their tireless labour have brought this structure to completion....
PEOPLE: We thankfully dedicate this building.
PASTOR: With gratitude for the many people who have given of their means
that this house of ministry might be a reality....
PEOPLE: We dedicate this building.
PASTOR: For the purpose of worship, praise and fellowship....
PEOPLE: For the ministry of the Word of God, and for the
fellowship of prayer ....we dedicate this building.
PASTOR: For the training, equipping, and building up of the
PEOPLE: We reverently dedicate this building.
PASTOR: For the outreach of the Gospel, the salvation of souls, the
development of Missionary endeavor, and the sending of men and women
into Christian service....
PEOPLE: We worshipfully dedicate this building.
PASTOR: And now, in acknowledgment of the sovereign grace and will of
our wonderful Lord, and in the name of God the Father, God the Son, and
God the Holy Spirit....
TOGETHER: We, the friends and members of Maranatha Evangelical
Free Church dedicate ourselves anew, praying and trusting that this
building shall be used of God for His own purposes and glory, throughout
the community, and unto the ends of the earth. AMEN
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