Events & Announcements


Saturday - February 8

6:30 pmFamily Fun Night

Sunday - February 9

7:45 amSunday Morning Prayer Meeting
9:30 amWorship Practice
9:45 amAdult Sunday School (Romans)
10:30 amCoffee & Fellowship
10:45 amZoom is turned on
11:00 amSunday Service
12:30 pmBoard Meeting
2:00 pmUkrainian Service
7:00 pmCollege & Career Group

Tuesday - February 11

11:45 amTuesday Bridge
2:00 pmQ & A With Pastor Dave
7:00 pmeZdoesit Fitness

Wednesday - February 12

11:00 amCreakers Bridge
7:00 pmBible Study (1 Kings)
7:00 pmYouth Group

Thursday - February 13

7:00 pmWomen's Fellowship

Friday - February 14

11:00 amCreakers Bridge

Saturday - February 15

9:30 amFree Pancake Breakfast

Sunday - February 16

7:45 amSunday Morning Prayer Meeting
9:30 amWorship Practice
9:45 amAdult Sunday School (Romans)
10:30 amCoffee & Fellowship
10:45 amZoom is turned on
11:00 amSunday Service
2:00 pmUkrainian Service
7:00 pmCollege & Career Group


Worship Service

Sunday, February 9

“Before The Throne Of God Above”

“Yet Not I, But Through Christ In Me”

“Lord, I Need You”

“Change My Heart, Oh God"

Prayers For The Lost

Prayers / Announcements / Offerings

Jr. Church

Sermon - The Aftermath

    Genesis 8:6-22

“My Lighthouse”

Benediction:     Romans 15:33