The History of Maranatha Evangelical Free Church
- September 18, 1977 - The first meeting of the Maranatha Evangelical Free Church is held in the home of Bill & Kathy Toews.
In attendance were 16 adults and 13 children.
- January 1978 - Pastor Art Doerksen began on a part-time interim basis.
- January 1978 - Moved to Strathmillan School.
- July 1978 - Moved to Bruce Jr. High.
- August 1979 - The church bought the property of 910 Sturgeon Rd.
- July 1981 - Dave Lewycky began as full-time Senior Pastor.
- October 1983 - the first Lamplighters program was held.
- September 1984 - the first service was held in our current facilities.
- May 1985 - Pat Schneider began as Church Secretary (the real office Boss).
- May 1986 - Michael Scholl began as Caretaker (part-time).
- October 1989 - Pat Schneider took over Caretaking duties.
- September 1991 - Jerry Hiebert began as part-time Associate Pastor.
- March 1992 - Jerry Hiebert resigned as Associate Pastor.
- May 1994 - Dave Friesen began an Internship to work with the youth.
- October 1994 - Dave Friesen began as full-time Associate Pastor.
- July 1999 - Nathan Solnik took over Caretaking duties.
- November 2000 - Jessica Friesen took over Caretaking duties.
- September 2005 - Dave Lewycky resigned as Senior Pastor.
- January 1, 2006 - MEFC re-dedicates itself and the building to the service of God.
- June 2006 - Dave Friesen began as full-time Pastor.
- October 2006 - Cathy Vankoughnet took over Caretaking duties.
- Feb 2010 - Steve Eidse took on Outdoor Maintenance duties.
- April 2012 - Silas Friesen took over Caretaking duties.
- Sept 2014 - John Wiebe took over Outdoor maintenance duties.
- Sept 2015 - Levi Friesen took over Caretaking duties.
- Jan 2016 - MEFC re-dedicates itself and the building to the service of God.
- Sept 2016 - Pat Schneider retires from Church Secretary position.
- Sept 2016 - Natasha Martens hired as Office Administrator.
- Jan 2017 - Dan Wilson hired as Office Administrator.
- May 2017 - Torey Eidse took over Caretaking duties.
- Dec 2018 - Jessica Friesen hired as Caretaker.
- July 2019 - Shirley LaRocque hired as office administrator.